From spontaneous movement to the beginning of goal directed actions
Over the 1-2 month period infants start to gain more control over the pattern and direction of the spontaneous movements that are present at birth as they start to perform more goal directed and intentional actions.
For TOMTI subscribers
Notes on perceptual motor development 1-2 months (PDF)
Developmental sequences
Supine development notes: Supine 1-2 months
Supine development guided observation Supine at 5 weeks Supine at 10 weeks
Prone development Prone development
Head control Head control and pull-to-sit
Hand use Visual attention and hand use
Sitting Sitting 0-7 weeks Sitting at 10-12 weeks
Hand use and social communication 0-8 weeks: visual attention, reaching, grasping 0-8 weeks 10-12 weeks reaching and manipulation
Assessment of infant at 2 -3 months
Assessment guides
1 Purpose and first impressions
2 Assessment in supine
3 Assessment in prone
4 Pull-to-sit and sitting
A video Typical and atypical development at 2 months
Active mobilization Neck elongation to improve pull-to-sit performance